Friday, February 18, 2011


Little Blake Jr.... That's right...we're having a boy.

I'm hoping he looks just like his dad did when he was little because he sure was (and is) a cutie!


BreAnna said...

Congratulations, Heather and Blake! You are gonna love all of the trucks and trains that are soon to enter your lives!

Mariah Grace said...

Woohoo! Love you guys!

David said...

I'm really excited for you guys. You will be such wonderful parents! I thought about you guys when I went to Idaho Falls today. Morgan's reception is next weekend. Are you going to be in IF?

Becca's Blog said...

Hey, I found your blog. So now, since I'm not a blog leech, you'll get annoying little comments from me occasionally. Aren't you glad?

Congrats on the baby! I'm sure he'll be adorable and I'm sure you'll come up with a great name for him. It was fun to see you guys last night. Sorry I interrupted the BYU game, but I guess they'll be more of those!