Thursday, March 8, 2012

8 months

Hello everyone (I never really know how to start each post...)! A few things have been happening around the Holt house. Nathan turned 8 months old today so as is tradition around here we took some 8 month pictures. Here they are:

He's kind of a turkey some times:

This is Nathan's mode of transportation. He spreads his legs out and reaches his hands in front of him. He grabs the ground and pulls the rest of his body forward. Kind of funny to watch.
We have friends in our ward who only speak Spanish (okay for Blake...not so easy for me). They are the nursery leaders in our ward. One Sunday last month I had Nathan during the first hour of church (Relief Society...backwards I know). Well the wife came up to me and in her very broken English said something like "I take Nathan...." Well I thought she just wanted to hold him but before I knew it she just stood up and walked out of the room with him. I sat in a daze for a minute then I walked out of the room to find Blake waiting for me. He asked, "Where's Nathan?" I just looked at him and said, "I have no idea."

Come to find out she had just taken Nathan to nursery with her. Blake went to check on him and she insisted that he stay so we enjoyed a peaceful Sunday School minus our 7 month old baby (kids usually go to nursery at 18 months). Blake got him from nursery and he walked into sacrament meeting holding Nathan who was wearing his little crown. Funny day.

Nathan has a new found love for his toes. Maybe I should stop this but....I probably won't!

Loves his dad:

Nathan is in love with the mirror these days. He is so funny too because he would rather look at you through the mirror so even if you are sitting right next to him he will lean wherever he needs to so he can see you in the mirror. Notice how dirty the mirror is due to the fact that his favorite thing to do is LICK, yes I said lick, the mirror.

Last month I went to get Nathan out of bed in the morning. He had been making some particularly unhappy noises and when I opened his door this is what I found (no wonder):

On a non-Nathan note we took the carpet out of our house a couple weeks ago. It was so gross and dirty (literally dirt everywhere). The paint is going on this week and the carpet will be in next week. It has been fun to see it all come together. Oh and we discovered Nathan's allergies to all the dust when his face broke out in some pretty yucky hives. Luckily it didn't last long...went away just before the doctor came to get us from the waiting room (felt a little silly).

We've got a couple exciting months before us full of weddings and reunions. Can't wait to see all of our family soon!


Becca's Blog said...

I love the toe licking funny!

Also, loved the story and picture about 7 month Nathan going to nursery and getting a paper crown. It's just so funny to see a little baby with something like that on their head. Too cute!

Oh, and maybe Nathan will learn a little Espanol in nursery. You can never start too early.

kate said...

haha, that picture of nathan stuck in the crib is so sad! cohen has done the same thing! Love the update!