Wednesday, September 19, 2012

South America

So everybody knows that tarantulas reside in Central and South America right? WRONG!! So I may sound uneducated because that is what I always thought. I never thought I'd have to worry about things like that in Enterprise of all places but...............

That's ENTERPRISE!!! My mom has already vowed to never visit me again. 
I don't blame her. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Haircut

Well it was time! One day at church we had three people confuse Nathan for a girl because of his luscious curly locks...SO... we whisked him home after church and cut them all off. Yes it was rash and yes I did feel like a little piece of my heart fall to the ground with all his curls but yes it is WONDERFUL to not have to say, "he's actually a boy, thank you very much!"

So here's the new do:

And we are loving it so much now! In fact we've cut his hair once more since his first cut! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Easier Way to Save

College tuition can be expensive so to save money we've started training Nathan to be a concert pianist so he can get a scholarship. Here's how it's going:

Nathan jumped right in by exploring the ins and outs of the piano. 

Fix that posture Nathan!!!

Much better!

You've got to feel the music (we're still working on literal vs. figurative) 

Work on your pedal phrasing!

I think you're getting the hang of it!

" want me to play that, do ya?"

All this practice sure is hard work.

"It helps when I stick my tongue out like this."

I think all his hard work is paying off.
We'll be getting scholarship offers in no time.

Teaching a one year old to play the piano is tough. There's got to be an easier way to save.

Credits: Geico idea....not actually sponsored by Geico believe it or not.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa Batt

My parents are on a mission now so I wanted to show them what Nathan is up to. He took his first steps last Saturday, August 4th. He will only take a few steps at a time but it so fun and cute to watch him learn this new skill! This video shows his many attempts. I'm sure he thinks to himself, "why does my crazy mommy keep moving me back over and over again???" The last one in this video is his best one that's why! Oh and don't mind the box on my head....Nathan will work for what he wants and it happened to be the box...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

We love you Emmitt!

We love you baby Emmitt and are praying our little hearts out for you! Come home soon!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

You've had a birthday shout HOORAY!


Nathan turned ONE year old yesterday (Holy smokes)!

When Nathan was born we spent our first week driving back and forth to the hospital every couple hours to see Nathan in the NICU. At that time I never could have imagined celebrating his first birthday but now that we have it feels like the first year FLEW by. 

We went from this:

 To this:

In the blink of an eye (almost). 
This is how I found Nathan when I got him on his birthday morning and how I frequently find Nathan after he wakes up in the morning or from naps (pant-less).

Here are some pictures from his birthday. The balloons I had filled the day before his birthday had lost all life during the night but Nathan didn't care. He played with them while Blake and I got ready for church. 

When we got home from church we skyped with my parents so they could watch Nathan open his presents.

 He really didn't care too much about the presents because....

He just wanted to talk to Grandma and Grandpa Batt. 

He loved showing Grandma and Grandpa his mad driving skills.

Later we had some birthday dinner with Grandpa Holt and two of Nathan's cousins.
He wasn't sure what to make of his birthday cake (glad I did easy cupcakes).

Oh baby Nathan how we love you. We have loved watching you grow and learn so many new things. You are such a smart little guy and so hilarious!

Grandpa Holt, cousin Andrew and almost-cousin George shared in the birthday fun.

Nathan spent the evening playing and loving life as a one year old!


All in all it was a great birthday! We are so grateful for this cute little guy! He makes life amazing!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some catch-up!

First of all it's probably time to show some monthly pictures. I have been a slacker with these so the first is a sad excuse for his 9 month picture. It was taken during the pregame warmup of the Jimmer game we went to in LA with some of Blake's family. It happened the day before Nathan turned 9 months.

Here is Nathan at 10 months. This little guy is on the move and will not be stopped so this month's picture was tricky!

So to catch up on our last few months: We went to California to see Jimmer play in April, spread hand-foot-and-mouth disease to lots of our cousins, moved into our first house, spent a week with my family in Vegas, saw all of Blake's family for Ashla's wedding, started hanging out with our ward's 12-13 year olds (I'm in Beehives and Blake's their Sunday School teacher), spent a week in Idaho Falls with my family, and went to Salt Lake for April's sealing last Saturday. Whoa has it been crazy around here.

Nathan is doing great too. I can't believe that he is almost a year old!! He is a mad and speedy crawler. He has two teeth and is currently working on his third (yay). He loves to eat though we're a bit limited cause he has some allergies (mainly anything dairy). He loves to pull himself up to anything and everything. He is a sweetheart and he makes us laugh every day! We sure do love him!

We went to the beach in California. Nathan's first visit was a hit! He loved it.

I felt it was necessary for him to touch the water at least for a second...he was not thrilled at all....the wave came a bit faster than I had planned!

Sucking on an orange seemed a better alternative to eating sand.

Before Nathan could crawl forward he scooched backwards and found himself in a few precarious situations (this is under his crib).

In L.A. ready to see Jimmer play!

When we were in Vegas Nathan loved all the walks to the park that we took.

Nathan hanging out with Will in Grandma and Grandpa's bed in Vegas. These two were early risers that week!

We stayed at a house with a pool and these little fishies had a blast! The look on Nathan's face says to me, "Just try to keep me from that pool!"

We went to a chocolate factory named Ethel M's and then walked around the cactus garden outside it.

Will pushing Nathan on the swings at an awesome park in Vegas.

Nathan loves this particular cupboard...something fascinating about lots of pans clanking together LOUDLY

Nathan and Emma holding hands during mealtime...oh the joy of cousins!

Nathan riding the firetruck at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

All the Batt cousins after a game of kickball.

We went to the zoo in Idaho. Grandpa gave all the kids animal crackers...a hit!

Grant watching Nathan and Grandma riding the lion.

The newest addition to the Batt family: Elsie

Nathan and Emma playing cars

Grandpa took Nathan on his first fourwheeler ride. Nathan LOVED it!

Blake wanted to take a Sunday nap...Nathan wanted to play catch...THE RESULT

Watching the annular solar eclipse at Grandma Twitchell's

What a big boy...standing up to the couches we just bought off craigslist....I learned a lesson with these couches. Asking the owner a 5 word question will save you HOURS of work.

Are you ready for them? (Those aren't the 5 words)


Well I didn't ask and didn't notice any signs of a cat until we noticed that George (who helped us move the couches) was covered in white cat hair....grody (plus Nathan is allergic to cats also)! So I spent all afternoon and night yesterday vacuuming every square inch of those couches...then Blake got home and steam cleaned every square inch of those couches. I told myself that it was the WORST job in the world and then I was totally humbled....first Nathan went to the bathroom in the tub (gross). Then while I was cleaning it up he licked the toilet and then when I was doing the dishes I noticed how quiet he was being and found him under the counter playing in his own throw-up. a.w.e.s.o.m.e. 

Anywho that is basically our last few months in a nut shell. Blake's starting into crop this week (yay...) and we're looking forward to one more visit to Idaho to visit my parents before they are New Mexico bound for the next three years!